Thursday, June 14, 2007

(Issue 64) Results Slips

Recently, closest friends had been rejected job offers due to poor Academic Results that was at least 3 years ago, and these start to make me think. Should our entire life be based on the results we achieve during our adolescence years when we were playful and unaware of the importance to achieve good results? Does it also mean that your academic standard had not and will not improve since your last exams? Should we take these exams every 5 years to prove our improvement? And how fair are the test yearly, are they of the same standard every year?

Does this apply to our everyday life too? Can your Street Smartness be test and recorded on Academic Slips? Are testimonials from your Exs' equivalent to your grading in whether you are a Good Lover? I truly doubt the latter question, as everyone has their side of the story to tell.

If you think that the above is unfair, have you ever question yourself falling into their category and ever misjudge someone. There is no perfect solution, *wink* because nothing can be perfect.

Coming to terms with (felt misjudged)Me, (contradicting)Myself and (misjudging others)I.

This reminded me of a classic movie (Dangerous Minds) and its theme song: Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise

"Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me?"

"They say I gotta learn
But nobody's here to teach me
If they can't understand it , how can they reach me?
I guess they can't
I guess they won't, I guess they front
That's why I know my life is out of luck, fool! "

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