Wednesday, June 13, 2007

(Love Tales 5) Part Three- Obsession

Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

Part 3 of 4Written and Publish on Aug 27 2005, 01:26 AM

I felt a stab of chill in my heart and decided to step away from Christopher. The depression was slowly creeping back like a dark shadow. I thought of all the Prozac stocked at my house and suddenly felt giddiness seize me with its claw. I was scared to be alone as control slipped like flowing water.

Christopher saw the tension wrung inside me and wrapped me tightly.

"Sean, snap out of it. Don't do this to yourself again. It's not your fault." I looked at Christopher for a moment. Tears blurred my vision and I felt so helpless beyond words.

Christopher ushered me outside of the building quickly into his car that was parked at the nearby car-park. I was deathly silent all the while.

He put me at the front seat, secured my seat belt and placed a coat over me. My head rested against the window. I was too emotionally exhausted to think or react.

I didn't even notice that he drove me to his apartment. Christopher opened the door and said staunchly, "You are in no condition to be alone today." He opened the door and lifted me up like a rag doll, then swung his body to slam the car door shut.

"I can manage on my own. You don't have to carry me." I whispered.

Christopher looked at me and carried on piggy-backing me. "You are tired. And I am the cause of that." I didn't say a word and just rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes. Just like every aftermath of a depression for the past six years, my brain shut down completely.


A slight snore roused me in the middle of the night. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Christopher nodding off on the small sofa beside the bed. I sort of recalled Christopher had helped me to change into a clean T-shirt and a pants.

I sat up and touched my forehead. It hurt to think. I hugged my knees and studied Christopher quietly.

Christopher, Leslie and I were the best of friends since junior college. When Chris divulged that he was bisexual accidentally after a drop too much, Leslie quickly developed a crush for him. Chris was attractive and jovial so it wasn't a surprise that I too felt a soft spot for him, but I never carried my crush too far. We enrolled at the same university and gone through the same course.

Somehow, Leslie's obsession made him ugly and possessive. He started to frown upon the girls who got too near to him. Chris started to avoid him and planned his outing secretly with me. He felt he could confide in me more as a friend than he did in Leslie.

Things started to turn awkward when Chris blurted out that he always had a fondness for me. I refuse to have anything to do with him because I knew it would make Leslie crazy. One day, Leslie's jealousy spurred him to blurt out Chris' bisexuality to his female classmates. Chris was naturally angry and went to confront him. Leslie totally lost Chris as a friend; and that was when it drove him to suicide.

Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

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