Sunday, June 03, 2007

(Love Tales 4) Part Two- Noel

Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

Part 2 of 4Written and Publish on Nov 29 2005, 04:12 PM

"Gabriel, I think it's better for me to leave the school. I don't think I can continue to teach you," Nick whispered solemnly and gravely.

"Can you just take it that I have never said those things? Can you just transfer to another class and not leave the school? Please, I am going to be guilt-ridden for the rest of my life. I am sorry to have said that. I truly am. I promise I will never bother you again," I hastily pacified, tears blurring my eyes.

Nick's eyes were bloodshot as he said, "It's not your fault, Gabriel. I think I have failed as a teacher. I should have been more careful and firm with you. Thank God we didn't do anything foolish that night."

"How about if I switch to another school?" I quickly offered.

Nick looked shocked to the core. "You must never do anything like this. Your final exams are coming and I want you to promise me that you will complete your studies and enter university. Promise me that. Now."

I sobbed. "Yes. I promise you that."

"I am sorry to mislead you. My kindness was definitely out of concern without any ulterior motives. I might have overstepped my boundary as a teacher."

I shook my head and defended vigorously, "No, it wasn't something done out of kindness. I do feel something special towards you. I am young but I am not confused."

Nick implored, "Please don't say that again. It's not right that you feel this way. You are too young to understand what love is all about. I must not take advantage of that.?"

"If you weren't my teacher, will that change anything?"

There was a pregnant awkward silence. Nick looked at me squarely in the eye and said staunchly, "It will change nothing."

"You lie. You say this but your heart and that kiss says another."

"When you grow older, you will know that this is all but a silly crush," Nick said in resignation.

"I guess I won't see you at the graduation dinner."

Nick's smiled feebly. "No. I will be busy in my new school. You must take good care of yourself. Remember your promise to me. We will meet again when you graduate from university. I know you can do it."

I edged closer to Nick and gave him a tight embrace, knowing very well this will be the last time I am meeting him. "Thank you for what you have done for me. I am deeply sorry if I have caused you any embarrassment." I could feel the delicate shatters in my heart as his hands tapped my back affectionately.

"By the time you grow up, you will probably have forgotten me and laugh at this moment now." Nick tried to defuse the thick tension that was mounting between us. I could see a rivulet of tear stream down the side of his eyes.

I breathed in his scent, wondering why something this wrong could feel so right. When he detached from my embrace, he smeared the tear off his eyes. "Gabriel, take care. I have to go now. Tell the rest of the class that I thank them for all their well-wishes earlier on. Now go back to class."

I took a last glance and waved a last goodbye. Even though Nick was not physically with me, I knew that he will always have a place in my heart.

Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

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