Friday, June 15, 2007

(Love Tales 5) Part Four- A Conclusion

Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

Part 4 of 4Written and Publish on Aug 27 2005, 01:31 AM

I wiped away my tears. Leslie was after all my friend. He didn't deserve to die like this. The guilt tapped even deeper because I did fall for Christopher. It was an unforgivable betrayal.

My sobs must have roused Christopher from his sleep. He rubbed his tired eyes and quickly came over when he saw me crying.

"He still haunts you in your dreams?" He sat down and faced me directly.

"I could have done more. I could have saved him."

He sighed. "Leslie is sick, Sean. It wasn't your fault. We have done enough of grieving. I gave up two years of my life, wallowing in regret, having a mental breakdown. I sorted out my thoughts and I can't let Leslie's death rule my life."

"But it's different for me. I felt I...betrayed him." I forced the words out.

"Why is that so?"

I looked at him seriously and stuttered, "Because I .."

Chris lifted his eyebrows and waited patiently.

"Wait a minute. That was a trick question."

Chris grabbed my hands and whispered poignantly, "I hope your answer is, 'Because I loved you all these while'."

I couldn't lie anymore. I just lowered my head and nodded in shame.

Chris' hands trembled as he tipped my chin up and kissed me gently. A tear escaped his left eye as he teased my lips with a light suction. The light in his eyes shone with the cutting clarity of a diamond.

"When I saw you at the lift after I finished delivering a document, I felt that my prayers were answered. I never gave up the hope of seeing you again. You were so close to slipping away from me. But He gave me another chance. I love you, Sean."

He emitted a bitter laugh. "You know how stubborn my heart is. I am going to wait for you no matter how long it takes for that episode to be over. I have waited for six years. It doesn't matter if I wait longer. I am no longer young and I want to spend my life with the one I love. I know whom I love;and that has never changed. It was always you, Sean, my best friend and my partner."

My heart cracked at his declaration. He just hugged me like a lost child who is equally scared of the dark road ahead. At this moment, I only knew the road would be so cold and empty without him. We would battle the demons together. It was time to live again.

My words were choked as I pleaded, "Chris, can you just hold me tonight? I don't want to sleep alone in the dark, thinking of the unhappy stuffs again."

His body blanketed me with its warmth. It felt so good.

I turned my head to face him and smeared off his tears. "I want to visit Leslie's grave tomorrow. I've got something to tell him."

Chris cradled my head and asked, "What is it you are going to say to him?"

I looked at him in the eye. "I am going to take good care of Chris for you before we, three friends, meet in Heavens again." Leslie's ghost had been laid to rest at long last.

Chris whispered a silent "I love you" and kissed my cheeks.

I didn't have any nightmare that night. In fact my dream had Leslie smiling in delight and stacking my hands on top of Chris' hands, while giving us the blessing.


Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

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