Tuesday, June 05, 2007

(Love Tales 4) Part Three- Noel

Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

Part 3 of 4Written and Publish on Nov 29 2005, 04:16 PM

The ethereal crystal angel was spinning in an instrumental rendition of "Holy Night", captivating in his grace. He was gripping a trumpet, joyfully heralding the arrival of Christmas with a beatific smile. His beautifully carved wings soared as he danced in the air. I had been staring at the intricate musical box for the past ten minutes, wondering if this was the gift I wanted to get for Nick. I looked anxiously at the price tag and calculated mentally if I had enough money to last the coming semester. Deciding against my wisdom, I told the shop assistant at to wrap up the crystalline musical box and fished out the money from my wallet. Satisfied with the purchase, I left Paragon and went straight to Borders to pick up a Christmas card. I spent quite some time, conjuring up the words to express my inner feelings. It was difficult to express my emotions after a period of emotional detachment as a rent-boy. I picked up the pen gingerly and organized my thoughts.

Hi Nick,

How time flies. Five Christmases have passed since we met.

I hope you are doing fine.

Rest assured. I still hold that promise to you that I will finish university. This coming semester will be my last semester and I will be starting work as a junior accountant. It was hard to juggle with the school work cos; Mom was down with an illness that caused her thyroid glands to swell. Her vision became hazy. Fortunately, she is doing fine with constant medication. I feel particularly happy this Christmas because I have quitted doing something which I don't feel proud of. I hope you will like the musical box I have gotten for you. I just wanted to get something special for you this year now that I can afford it.

Thank you for all the things you have done for me. I just want you to know these five years have not changed the way I feel.


Exclaimer: I had found another writer who has an interesting story to tell. His story touches my soul and at the same time made inspired a few of my issues. I am proud to introduce the kind and simple Desmond. Thanks for allowing me to re-post this article in my blog.

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