Sunday, June 10, 2007

(Issue 62) Love, Like & Adore + Pet Names

What is the difference between Love, Like and Adore? And which is the most appropriate word to use at the different stages of the relationship?

I remember Père told me once not to use the word "love" if you don't mean it. He realized that many people do not start with "like" and "adore", especially when the feeling for one another was pure admiration and infatuation. They used the word "Love" to someone they barely know but desire.

Like: to regard with favor; have a kindly or friendly feeling for (a person, group, etc.); find attractive
Adore: to like or admire very much
Love: A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. An intense emotional attachment.

Next on the list that are normally taken lightly, especially in this circle among common friends, are Pet Names. Again it was both Père and Cricà who warned me about the misused of Pet Names in this circle, especially in Clubs. Many of times they use them on close friends or as a common flirt. Always take note that, if you are not sure ask, because having a Pet Name (i.e. Dear, Wife, Baby, etc) doesn't meant that he has taken you as his partner or lover.

The above are situations that had happen to some friends of mine, when in most cases they are the victim rather than the 'player'. So many times victims thought they were being loved, especially with the things people said and promise, but just to be hurt by the other most hurtful sentence, "they thought you understood that it is just a mutual flirt". Words are getting cheap, and without saying or recognizing that he is ready to commit in a relationship, don't put too much hopes in it.

Lucky for me, I am now happily attached to someone who knows how to express himself well and always ask to confirm. Calen, my feelings for you are also true and deep from my heart.

Coming to terms with (Happy) Me, (feel excite for) Myself and (glad)I.

Dedicated to friends who are hurt by promises: P Diddy ft Brandy - Thought You Said

"Guess your words dont mean nothing to me
Thought you said thought you said that you loved me
Thought you said thought you said that you need me
Thought you said thought you said you complete me
Thought you said you were never gonna let it go
Thought you said thought you said when you held me
Thought you said thought you said when'd you tell me
Thought you said no one else could replace me
Thought you said that your never gonna let it go"

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