Monday, April 09, 2007

(Issue 41) Take Me For What I'm Worth

Can we gage anyone's relationship commitment level from his behaviour and actions when he is Single? I personally do, but realise that it would be rather unfair, due to the different freedom and responsibilities both status offer. When we are single, we tend to explore into areas we are restricted during couplehood, as the only person we would have to answer to is ourselves.

With the temptation and freedom, our actions and decisions would tend to be different. However, is it fair to say that you will not be attracted to the same temptation when you are attached?

Another issue is that I was critised for having ONS, even it is only in my singlehood dayz. I believe that many of us moved into the territory of One Night Stand during Singlehood, while others condem the idea, but why tied yourself down to a statement that you can't foresee, as it would just leads to gossip or even "friends" testing your abilities to do so. I do envy the determination and mindset of these group and respect their decisions. Their contradictions to me is that "If you can't control your temptations during singlehood, what difference does it make when you are attached?".

I guess the difference is your love towards your partner that will prevent you from doing so, you will know which line can be cross and which have to be clearly drawn. Why One Night Stands questions your ability to commit during couple-ship? I believe that temptations would be stronger and harder to resist if it is something new to someone, but ultimately it all comes down to the mindset, faith and commitment of a person that speak for ones actions.

Coming to terms with (puzzled and confused) Me, (clearly aware of the lines to cross and not to) Myself and (why am) I (letting this issue getting into me once in a while now and then).

Dancing to the tunes of: Madonna - Nobody Knows Me [Aviddiva Remix]
No one's telling you how to live your life
But it's a setup until you're fed up
It's no good when you're misunderstood
But why should I care
What the world thinks of me
Won't let a stranger
Give me a social disease
Nobody, nobody knows me

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