Tuesday, February 20, 2007

(Issue 17) Can we have it all?

With the overloaded information (from friends, [ex] lovers, and the internet) of what a perfect lover should possess to make a relationship last, I can't help to wonder 'Does this kind of man really exist'? If he does and he falls deeply in love with you, 'Does it makes you a bad lover?', because we do know that we ourselves are not perfect. Then why are we so crazy over such a guy that doesn't exist and forgo possible opportunities with a guy who falls short in your list of qualities?

How much time should one be given to show his qualities before we strike him off our future plans? And to be fair, did you fulfill as much qualities in his list as he did on your list? Come back and think about it, we felt so blessed when we found a guy who fulfill 3 out of the 30 qualities on our "ideal partner list", and we couldn't help to shower all our love and affection to him, but what initialed the first complain about him to our friends? Was it because his time was up, whereby he does not 'live' to show the fourth qualities you need, therefore he deserve a "shot of harsh words through his heart" and get out of your sight. Or was it because he did something 'bad' that was not stated in your list (If this is the case when will your list ends?).

First and foremost, how did we came up with our list? Was it hearsay, experience or something you desired? Are we able to fulfill this qualities ourselves? Lets looked back in our past relations, and this time we evaluate ourselves instead of evaluating our partner. How many ticks do we have on the checklist boxes ourselves and how many crosses are there? Truthfully, do not find any excuses to explain for a possible crosses, as he wasn't given a chance to do so the other time when you were together and even your explanation is true, remember the fact that we all played the game of "Taking explanations as excuses" on him.

You will be surprised to learned that there are many people out there who are able to come out with the A's to Z's qualities and requirements that is essential in a relationship, and many others who uses the spelling of many sweet of words as initials of a Qualities to be fulfill. But can we have it all, and do we have it all? I wondered. Some wise man once said - Love is not about finding the perfect guy, but loving the imperfect guy perfectly, but are we able to do so and be satisfied with it? Can we not compare what we have to our never ending list, or to what our couples friends have and we wished we had?

Coming to terms with (the imperfect) Me, (evaluating) Myself and (hopefully, easily satisfied)

Singing in the rain to: 孙燕姿 - 同类

Translation: Kindred Spirits - "Is there anyone else who wants to be comforted like I do?
The wind stops then starts to blow again; who do I think of suddenly?
The sky is bright then dark; how many years have passed by me?
The heart is warmed then dejected. On earth sometimes, lonely people need other people who feel the same way
Love is taken then given, none of us are really perfect"

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