Monday, February 12, 2007

(Issue 13) Bath-houses

I do believe that 99% of us here regard bath houses as a cheap and sleazy place whereby everyone in there is looking for multiple ONS without any strings attached, and after read forums after forums on these places there is no reason doubting why it is so. Nevertheless, I have to admit I am was member of a certain bath house years back. My first visit was done out of curiosity, however all my later visits, were to go there after a tired day to enjoy the facilities.

After being there for several visits and hearing PLUs experiences in bath houses, I seriously understand why almost everyone find it hard to believe my last statement. However I still remain guilt free, as I have my conscious to vow for me and a few friends, whom I brought them in due to references issue. My stand is that it is easier to reject than to regret for your actions later, as what is done cannot be undone. If you genuinely are looking for sex, I would never recommend a bath house as you never know how safe it is.

Although they provide condoms for safe sex, but you never know if anyone had meddled with them. And even if you used your own, what about the lubricant, it could also be easily tampered with (hearsay- some throw used condoms inside the dispensers) and how clean are their beds from spreading disease. I do avoid bringing friends into these places when I know that they are unable to withstand temptation. And for friends who are sensible enough, I will still "offer" them a lecture before I referred them in. My simples rules are, I will only tour you in the public areas, therefore if you want to explore further into the dark rooms, you are on their own and should be responsible for your own actions.

I had actually stopped my visits (for the hot pools, whirlpools, saunas and a simple cup of coffee after relaxation, which can be easily found in gyms now) for more than a year, as these bath houses had already became a meeting place for sex.

Very often we spoil things for ourselves by being vociferous and flamboyant, drawing negative publicity and unwanted attention, therefore I do agree why it begins to draw a negative image. And with the present themes of Full Moon Parties, Speedos/Underwears nights, it has become an inappropriate encouragement to multiple ONS and negative publicity.

Coming to terms with (disappointed) Me, (can't help but to agree with the general public) Myself and (rather reject than regret) I.

This Song os abit to sensual to what I am feeling, but hey we shouldn't let a nice song go by, especially with a hot video: Prince - Cream
You got the horn, so why don't you blow it (Go on and blow it).
You're so fine (U're so fine)You're filthy cute and baby. You know it (U know it)
Cream, Get on top. Cream, You will cop. Cream, Don't u stop. Cream, Sh-boogie bop.

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